Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Letter to my congressmen!

I wrote to my local congressmen today! This is my letter to him: Dear Congressmen Walberg. I have been laid off from the Kalamazoo Gazette for over one year. The publisher's decided to end my job to go to a cheaper labor force in Grand Rapids. Our paper was printer of the year for 3 of the last 4 years in North America. QUALITY was not the issue! Cheaper labor WAS! We need jobs and a level playing field to compete for them. I am sick and tired of seeing ad's in our local papers advertising for only currently employed people need apply! Pass President Obama's Jobs Bill! My vote depends on my ability to find a job! I already saw a dip in my 401K when the congress fumbled the deficient issue. Republicans must act now! (Or start looking for another job!)

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