Monday, April 21, 2014

How to Gogh. (Van Gogh)

Hi all. Pat here with a painting update. As you know I recently went to Paris and had a wonderful time at the art museum. So I've been dying to try my hand at replicating the masters. My latest attempt, Van Gogh.

Here is a series of pictures that show you a start to finish view! Click on the pictures to make them bigger!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A bit of Paris!

I've been sick the last couple of days. I caught a cold in Paris. It hit me on the plane ride home, got worse the next day, and now is slowly leaving my body. I am OK, except for the horse voice! Very low and gruff! Worse though, is the fact that I gave it to Toni. She seems to be a day or two behind me with symptoms. Sorry Toni. ;(

Anyway, here are a couple more pictures of Paris!