Friday, May 22, 2009

Feelin' Fine, but gettin' Old!

Hey groovy guys and gals, Pat here with a health up-date. I'm clean-for the time being! Got a late call from Toni telling me my test from my resent MRI came out fine. NO CANCER!
But it did show a cyst on my left kidney. So they will be watching it. (The doctor said, it is a sign of getting older); lots of folks develop cyst's on their organs in later years! (*Sigh!*) Guess you know where this is going!
It's heck to get old! I still feel like a kid; and darn it! (I always will!)
So stop treating me like I'm elderly already! (Unless of course it'll save me some bucks; and then YES, I'll show you my AARP card!)

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome to hear!!! Well, the cancer free part that is! Cross your fingers, I go for my follow up in two weeks. I want to hear those words too!!! Miss ya, love ya ;)
